TAT Faith In Humanity
I have lost all faith in Humanity!!! For why should we set our faith on things that will fade
TAT Trump Triumphant
Hillary is just a memory, and now Trump is Triumphant, now that he’s the President-elect, we
TAT Cain Able
Cain and Abel, their bitter end is retold from Genesis.
TAT Knock Knock
aaaaand the crowd booooo-ed at the knock knock joke. Sorry for the joke :p But sorry also to break
TAT Put To Death
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated
TAT Having Faith
For Having faith is not a weird thing :) In our daily life, we have faith in lots of different
TAT Audience
What a joy to know that we only have one main audience :) And do not fear those who kill the body
TAT Before the Throne of God Above
My wife and I have been encouraged much by this hymn lately and we just sang it today at church :)
TAT Hipster Brunch
It’s still something i don’t understand…
TAT Growing Beard
Movember is a November for me…