If I was a pokemon

Did any of you played pokemon? I did when I was on elementary school, Game Boy colour was birthday present when I was 11. It sure was a great time! There was pokemon blue, red and yellow. I think I played the yellow one. Sure brings back memories of childhood, and now if I think about it that childhood is just memory now and now as an adult I have responsibilities. D: well, I guess you can’t stay as a children forever ;____;

Armour of God

Today in bible study we learned about the armour of God :)
We have been having a bible study about the book of Ephesians, and it tells you how someone can become a christian and how they should rely on God to keep their faith. Let’s see if I can remember the armour, belt of truth, readiness from shoe of gospel of peace, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and spirit sword which is the word of God.
What’s my favourite? Shield of faith of course, for we have been saved by grace through faith, not our own doing so that no one can boast.
Such a sweet promise :)

Church Banner

So like I have said before I have been more involved at my church helping here and there, bible study and music ministry.Here is a banner I made for one of the study, basically we’re asking people, do they think catholic and protestant are the same or not.Me? Personally I’m a Protestant, but lets forget about the label. The question is, are we biblical enough and put bible as our sole authority? Do we put Christ as our sole hope?

Those two are what makes us Christian :)

Managing Consistency

It’s hard to be consistent, us human lives so dynamically that we do change and we also expect changes everytime. But sometimes it’s necessary to be consistent, to maintain  a good habit and to create a pattern in our life. Um, in this context, I think I need to start being consistent in updating comic strip…hmm but I’m now struggling to find the right day…well…let’s say…Tuesday and Friday or Sunday?